

As I mentioned in my last post I went to the cinema on Thursday with my boyfriend for a post-dissertation chill out. Zootropolis certainly did the trick with its feel-good Disney vibes and positivity.

Zootropolis is about a cute bunny (though only other bunnies are allowed to call bunnies cute) called Judy who has always dreamt of defying the odds and becoming the first bunny police officer. Even though she faced many set backs and people trying to crush her optimism, she passed her Police Academy exams and got to the big city ready to live her dream. She soon realises her dream is not as easy as she may have thought and with more setbacks, Judy ends up having to solve a missing persons case in 48 hours or she’ll need to resign. With the help of her unexpected friend, Nick (who has experienced his own setbacks and stereotyping as a fox), Judy seeks to solve the mystery and return Zootropolis back to the accepting and welcoming city it once was — you can be anything you want in Zootropolis.

Not only is this a heart-warming and enjoyable film on the base level and I’m sure children would love it for that, but it also has some really great messages of positivity, never giving up, and not accepting stereotypes. It is a really great film for getting across some positive morals in an enjoyable way. The attention to detail and little jokes were amazing as always with Disney (such as Judy’s phone having a little carrot on the back as opposed to an apple like on an iPhone which made me smile every time), and this is set to be an absolute classic. I wasn’t sure about the story at first as there are so many films with similar plots but this one really stood out to me. I’d highly recommend watching it to those of all ages, or at least check out the trailer below (even if it’s purely for Shakira / Gazelle’s unbelievably catching song).

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