

I was lucky enough to see Foxes at Plug in Sheffield last week and I just wanted to write a quick post on how great she was.Capture.PNG

I’m sure a lot of you will know some of her big hits like Better Love, Youth, and Body Talk, and I’ve been following her eagerly since I first heard Let Go For Tonight. I’ve always really loved her voice but seeing her live last week has made me love her even more! She’s not only incredibly talented and even better live (which is unfortunately often not the case with many artists!), but she put on an amazing show with dancing, lights, a huge variety of instruments, and she seems like the sweetest person ever. A friend of mine waited around afterwards to meet her and he can confirm that she is as adorable in person as she appears on stage and via Instagram.

Louisa Rose Allen (aka Foxes) is hugely talented, and played a range of her more well known songs, some off the new album, one that didn’t make it to the album but she still wanted to share with us, and even covered Justin Bieber’s Sorry in the most beautiful way. I love how diverse her music is — one song will be the most upbeat party song ever, and the next will be incredibly soulful and reflective, music for every mood. I did a quick google search and found someone had recorded both the unreleased song – Light Me Up – and her cover of Sorry and I’ve linked the videos below. Obviously the videos don’t do the real thing justice, but I’d definitely recommend giving them a listen – links below!

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