
dissertation takeover

Hello! I am still here – just hiding away in the library.

I’ve been a little lacking on the old blogging front recently as I’ve been in the library every single day focusing on my dissertation. I started a countdown to the deadline today – only 60 days until I’m free!

All I seem to have at the moment is constant work with my dissertation, seminar work, internship / job hunting, and various other committee responsibilities. Even when I get home I don’t want to read a book or do anything, I just want to sleep. Sorry that I’ve returned to moan but I thought I should just check in and prove to myself that I can write a blog post despite everything (even if it is a little lacking in content…)

I want to say that the work will be calming down soon and I’ll be back to blogging regularly but I don’t think I can promise that with it being final year and all, but I will try! For now though, here’s a few bits and bobs I’m doing over the next week or so that are more exciting than sitting in the library:

  • today is my brother’s 19th birthday, which is absolutely crazy!
  • tomorrow (and throughout the week) I’m running a bunch of training sessions
  • tomorrow I also need to send my dissertation supervisor an in depth plan (ahhhh)
  • on Monday I’m going to try and organise the majority of a graduate award I’m doing so I can check it over at a drop in session in the afternoon
  • on Wednesday I’m meeting up with my boyfriend as he has a day off and I mostly do too
  • on Friday I should have written a draft introduction to my dissertation (again, ahhhh)

Wow, really not that exciting… But nonetheless some slightly more interesting things in between all the constant reading and writing in the library, and I will do my best to be as interesting as possible on here in the future. Blogging effort will resume as soon as possible!

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